This information only applies to accounts managed in Picturepark. If your Picturepark uses federated authentication, like login with your company account, you must have a working company account that only your company can give you. Try to login log in to find out.
Excerpt |
The Picturepark Content Platform admin interface is not available without a login, so you must sign-up register first for the system you want to access on the login page of the corresponding Picturepark e.g., |
Open URL in the browser
Select Register (link in the panel footer)
Fill out the form
Provide the captcha correctly
Submit your request
If an Administrator created your account already, you have received an email asking you to sign up.
After requesting your new account, you receive an email asking you to confirm your account. Once you have confirmed your account, please log into the Picturepark.
If you have not received your confirmation link after signing up, you can click on the Resend confirmation link on the Sign-up page and enter the email you used for registering. The confirmation email will be resent. Please check your SPAM folder before doing this as your confirmation email may be there.
An Administrator will receive an email asking them to confirm your request for access. If they do so, you get an email saying your account is reviewed. If they don't, you will always see the "Account under review" message after login in to Picturepark.
Administrators cannot reject users in the current version of Picturepark, so you will not receive an email should the administrator choose not to approve your account.
Note |
Your organization's Picturepark administrator approves all account requests. Picturepark support ( ) can neither create nor approve your account. |
at least ten characters
at most 128 characters
not more than two identical characters in a row (e.g., 111 not allowed)
Occasionally changing your password is a good idea for security reasons. You can reset your password on the login page.
Info |
Picturepark stores all passwords encrypted using the sha256 algorithm. |