Easy to add to both new and existing Optimizely solutions.
The integration can be removed without affecting utilized assets.
Automatically synchronize media from the DAM with Optimizely's default asset management system, simplifying the process for developers.
Possible It is possible to configure content display to show only local media, media from the DAM CDN, or both.
Allow developers to configure custom media models containing metadata synchronized from the DAM.
Installing the package
To get started with the plugin, you need to install it from the Optimizely NuGet feed.
Known issues
When using DXP and Cloudflare, you sometimes need to whitelist the "/EPiServer/Fotoware.ContentPlatform.Plugins.Optimizely
EPiServer.CMS.UI version 12.18.0
EPiServer.CMS.TinyMce version 4.2.0
Register in Startup.cs
Navigate to the Startup.cs
file and add the following code to the ConfigureServices method to register the plugin with the solution's service collection.
Code Block | ||
| ||
using Fotoware.ContentPlatform.Plugins.Optimizely;
services.AddFotowareContentPlatformPlugin(); |
Configure appsettings.json
language | json |
/api/picturepark" URL in ALL ENVIRONMENTS.
To do this, please contact Optimizely support.To create any WAF bypass rule, you will need a WAF bypass agreement signed by the customer. Additionally, a custom domain must be connected to the site; the generic *.episerver.net domain will not work.
Installation and usage
Installing the package
To get started with the plugin, you need to install it from the Optimizely NuGet feed.
The Nuget package is called Fotoware.ContentPlatform.Plugins.Optimizely, and is available at: https://nuget.optimizely.com/package/?id=Fotoware.ContentPlatform.Plugins.Optimizely
EPiServer.CMS.UI version 12.18.0
EPiServer.CMS.TinyMce version 4.2.0
Register in Startup.cs
Navigate to the Startup.cs
file and add the following code to the ConfigureServices method to register the plugin with the solution's service collection.
Code Block | ||
| ||
using Fotoware.ContentPlatform.Plugins.Optimizely;
services.AddFotowareContentPlatformPlugin(); |
Configure appsettings.json
Code Block | ||
| ||
"ContentPlatform": { "BaseCdnUrl": "https://yourdomain.preview-picturepark.com", "RootFolderId": 102, "EnableOnAllMedia": true, "DisableDefaultMediaSelector": false, "DefaultTinyMceImageWidth": 600 600, "UseImageCdnUrlInTinyMce": false, "UseImageCdnUrlInTinyMceDisableAssetPane": false, "MediaTypes": [ { "Name": "Image", "FileExtensions": ".jpg,.jpeg,.jpe,.gif,.bmp,.png,.gif", "DownloadContentSelectionName": "Original", "PreviewContentSelectionName": "Preview", "PreferredDownloadWidth": 1200 }, { "Name": "Video", "FileExtensions": ".mov,.mp4", "DownloadContentSelectionName": "VideoSmall", "PreviewContentSelectionName": "Preview" }, { "Name": "Pdf", "FileExtensions": ".pdf", "DownloadContentSelectionName": "Original", "PreviewContentSelectionName": "Preview" } ] } |
Value | Description |
BaseTenantUrlBaseCdnUrl | The base URL of the picker. |
RootFolderId | The Optimizely media folder ID where the media is downloaded and stored. |
EnableOnAllMedia | When set to true, all media properties will have the DAM picker capability. |
DisableDefaultMediaSelector | When set to true, the default Optimizely media selector behavior will be disabled. |
DefaultTinyMceImageWidth | The default width for displaying images selected from the DAM in TinyMCE. |
UseImageCdnUrlInTinyMce | When enabled, the image URL in TinyMCE will use the CDN URL instead of the Optimizely image URL. |
DisableAssetPane | When set to true, the right-click on a media folder will be disabled. |
MediaTypes | Configuration for the supported media types in the plugin. |
MediaTypes.Name | The name of the media type. The supported media types are Image, Video, and PDF. |
MediaTypes.FileExtensions | The file extensions of the media type, separated by a comma. |
MediaTypes.DownloadContentSelectionName | Refers to the content variant name used for downloading and importing into Optimizely media. |
MediaTypes.PreviewContentSelectionName | Refers to the content variant name used for previewing purposes. |
PreferredDownloadWidth | Specifies the preferred image width for downloading. This option is supported only for the Image media type. |
Code Block | ||
| ||
[ContentType(GUID = "0A89E464-56D4-449F-AEA8-2BF774AB8730")] [MediaDescriptor(ExtensionString = "jpg,jpeg,jpe,ico,gif,bmp,png")] public class ImageFile : ImageData, IFotowareMedia { [UIHint(UIHint.Textarea)] public virtual string Description { get; set; } public virtual string AltText { get; set; } // IFotowareMedia properties [Display(GroupName = FotowareGroupNames.Fotoware)] public virtual string FotowareUrl { get; set; } [Editable(false)] [Display(GroupName = FotowareGroupNames.Fotoware)] public virtual string FotowarePreviewUrl { get; set; } [UIHint(UIHint.Textarea)] [Editable(false)] [Display(GroupName = FotowareGroupNames.Fotoware)] public virtual string FotowareJson { get; set; } [Editable(false)] [Display(GroupName = FotowareGroupNames.Fotoware)] public virtual DateTime? FotowareModifiedDate { get; set; } [ScaffoldColumn(false)] public string FotowareAltText { get => this.GetPropertyValue(p => p.AltText); set => this.SetPropertyValue(p => p.AltText, value); } [ScaffoldColumn(false)] public string FotowareDescription { get => this.GetPropertyValue(p => p.Description); set => this.SetPropertyValue(p => p.Description, value); } } |
The ModifiedDate property is used to track tracks when the media was last changed in the DAM. The plugin uses it to determine whether to download the media.
Configure Tin
To add a button for inserting media from the DAM, include contentplatform-insert-media in the TinyMCE configuration.
This customization is achieved by implementing the IFolderResolver interface. interface.
If you want to save the image to "For this page", register this in startup.
Code Block |
services.AddScoped<IFolderResolver, ForThisPageFolderResolver>(); |
Customize the TinyMCE HTML template
Example of how to register event handlers for the Fotoware events in an InitializationModule
language | c# |
Code Block | ||
| ||
[ModuleDependency(typeof(InitializationModule))] public class FotowareContentEventsInitializationModule : IInitializableModule { public void Initialize(InitializationEngine context) { var events = context.Locate.Advanced.GetRequiredService<FotowareEvents>(); events.OnContentDownloading += OnContentDownloading; events.OnContentDownloaded += OnContentDownloaded; } public void InitializeUninitialize(InitializationEngine context) { var events = context.Locate.Advanced.GetRequiredService<FotowareEvents>(); events.OnContentDownloading +-= OnContentDownloading; events.OnContentDownloaded +-= OnContentDownloaded; } publicprivate void Uninitialize(InitializationEngine contextOnContentDownloading(object sender, FotowareContentEventArgs e) { var events = context.Locate.Advanced.GetRequiredService<FotowareEvents>(); // Handle content downloaded event here } private events.OnContentDownloading -= OnContentDownloading; void OnContentDownloaded(object sender, FotowareContentEventArgs e) { events.OnContentDownloaded -= OnContentDownloaded; }// Handle content downloaded event here private void OnContentDownloading(object sender, FotowareContentEventArgs e) { // Handle content downloaded event here } private void OnContentDownloaded(object sender, FotowareContentEventArgs e) { // Handle content downloaded event here } } |
OnContentDownloading - Raised before downloading a media with the possibility to cancel the action.
OnContentDownloaded - Raised after the media has been downloaded.
How to use in the frontend
Using PropertyFor
} |
OnContentDownloading - Raised before downloading a media with the possibility to cancel the action.
OnContentDownloaded - Raised after the media has been downloaded.
How to use in the frontend
Using PropertyFor
@Html.PropertyFor(m => Model.CurrentPage.ImageAsContentReference)
<img alt="image01.jpg" src="/globalassets/fotoware/2024/6/image01.jpg" />
Adding a HTML attribute
@Html.PropertyFor(x => Model.CurrentPage.ContentReferenceOptimizely, new { Attributes = new { @class = "fotoware-image" }
<img alt="image01.jpg" class="fotoware-image" src="/globalassets/fotoware/2024/6/image01.jpg">
Adding a query string
@Html.PropertyFor(x => Model.CurrentPage.ContentReferenceOptimizely, new { QueryStrings = new { format = "webp" } })
<img alt="image01.jpg" src="/globalassets/fotoware/2024/6/image01.jpg?format=webp" />
query parameters
@Html.PropertyFor(x => Model.CurrentPage.ContentReferenceOptimizely, new { Attributes = new { @class = "fotoware-image" } QueryParameters = "format=webp&quality=80" })
<img alt="image01.jpg" class=" fotoware-image" src="/globalassets/fotoware/2024/6/image01.jpg?format=webp&quality=80">
@Html.PropertyFor(x => Model.CurrentPage.ContentReferenceOptimizely, new { QueryStrings MediaOptions = new { format UseCdnUrl = "webp" true } })
Output<img alt="image01.jpg" src="https:/globalassets/fotoware/2024/6/image01.jpg?format=webp">
Use CDN URL with the specified width
@Html.PropertyFor(x => Model.CurrentPage.ContentReferenceOptimizely, new { QueryParameters = "format=webp&quality=80" MediaOptions = new { Width = 600, UseCdnUrl = true } })
<img alt="image01.jpg" src="https:/globalassets/fotoware/2024/6/image01.jpg?format=webp&quality=80">
@Html.PropertyFor(x => Model.CurrentPage.ContentReferenceOptimizely, new { MediaOptions = new { UseCdnUrl = true } })
Output<img alt="image01.jpg" src="https://optimizely.preview-picturepark.com/v/TBVACNY3/">
Use CDN URL with the specified width
@Html.PropertyFor(x => Model.CurrentPage.ContentReferenceOptimizely, new { MediaOptions = new { Width = 600, UseCdnUrl = true } })
<img alt="image01.jpg" src="https://optimizely.preview-picturepark.com/v/TBVACNY3/fit-in:600x100000">
Change log
Target .net 8 and .net 6
Save assets to 'for this page'
Right-click on asset pane folders to save assets direct to a folder
Bug: Change API internal path
Fix bugs filesize
Initial version