Excerpt | ||||||
As tagboxes store multiple values (tags) you must use a liquid tag, the for loop:
{% for item in Data.SchemaIAm.FieldAffectedFromSchemaIAm %} {{ item.FieldnameFromReferencedSchema.Language}} {% endfor%}
Display Pattern Liquid Filters
Look here for more filters: https://github.com/Shopify/liquid/wiki/Liquid-for-Designers#standard-filters
{{data.schema.Textfield | truncate: 5, '' }}
truncates down to 5 characters
{{data.schema.Textfield | truncate: 5, '...' }}
truncates down to 5 characters and append three dots
{{data.schema.Textfield | upcase }}
converts the values to uppercase
{{data.schema.Textfield | append: ' VIT' }}
appends VIT to the values
{{data.fileMetadata.fileName | replace: data.imageMetadata.fileExtension , "" }}
replaces the file extionsion in the original file name with nothing aka removes the file extension
capitalizes every word
{{data.schema.Textfield | downcase }}
converts the values to lowercase
{{data.schema.Textfield | prepend: 'Picturepark' }}