Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Thumbnail - showing a preview for content items, or icons for e.g. list items and a name (configurable as thumbnail display pattern)

  • List - showing all information in a list


The sort and order which is applied to the items in the browser is are indicated in the right top corner of the toolbar with the name of the sort criteria and top/down arrows e.g. sorted by Date modified descending.


  1. Info showing additional information (e.g. for lists, showing information about the usage of lists, other connected lists, or parent information

  2. Filters 

    e.g for list items or content items used to filter the browser items based on metadata, creator information, or alike

  3. Basket 

    e.g. for content items to create collections that can be saved, shared, and are kept even if the user switches the menu or channel, whereas selection in the browser is removed after switching menu or channel


Notifications are shown when specific actions are successful or not successful. A user dragging content items (e.g. images) onto the Content browser will start an import process. The different states ("i I have the files uploaded", "i I have rendered everything", "i I have imported to content browser") are communicated with notifications, so the user is informed about what is happening in the background.

Notifications are available e.g. for:  

  • upload (finished, failed, etc.)

  • import (finished, failed, etc.)

  • edit

  • share (sent, received, etc.) 

Examples of the browser view


  • Option to search

  • Toolbar for content item operations

  • Side offering

    • Filters which that are configured in the channel configuration

    • Basket to store, share, edit and save collections


  • Without the option to search

  • Sidebar offering

    • Filters (predefined) e.g. type and creation date to separate edit collections (automatically created from the batch editor) from custom collections (saved by user) 
