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TERMS:Picturepark Search
TERMS:Picturepark Search


titleAND Search

Searching for content that contains or references all of your search terms. When looking for summer fruit arrangements, you type: Summer Fruit Arrangement and get images that contain all three terms. Picturepark translates your search into Summer AND Fruit AND Arrangement. So the AND operator is added among all your search terms. You can find the translated search query highlighted in bold at the top of the Content Browser.

The "Simple All"-mode is the default search behavior, and it only allows searching for all terms. Picturepark escapes any special characters and symbols. That means there is no particular function for + - |. Picturepark searches for everything you insert, including reserved characters from the underlying search engine ElasticSearch and Boolean operators that are known to have a particular function (+ for AND, - for Exclusion).


  • You search for: Summer + Fruit + Arrangement ?

  • Picturepark translates this: Summer AND + AND Fruit AND + AND Arrangement AND ?

That means you probably find nothing, as usually characters + and ? are not used in the metadata.

titleOR Search

Searching for content that contains or references any of your search terms. The "Simple Any"-mode is the search mode that delivers the most results as the content needs to match one of the search terms. When looking for fruit content or summer content or arrangements, then type: Summer Fruit Arrangement and Picturepark translate this into Summer OR Fruit OR Arrangement. You find content tagged with summer or fruit or arrangement.

The operator "OR" is added among all search terms, but don't try to write OR yourself. Otherwise, Picturepark adds OR as a search term.
