

Checkbox Overview



Checkbox Off (Disabled)

Checkbox On (Enabled)

Checkbox read-only display



"Release Signed" to denote whether or not a release has been signed for the photo in question.

Usage considerations

The search does not search for the label, but only the value which is true/false for a checkbox.

The same applies to filters, where checkbox values are shown as true/false. Here the filter name should mirror the checkbox label to give some indication of what true/false refers to.

An issue of checkboxes is the missing NULL state. When searching for checkbox = false, this will deliver all content items which have the checkbox set to false or have not been set at all. If the checkbox is "legally approved" then false could mean not approved or not yet checked for approval, a combination of checkboxes (checkbox1: legal approval done, checkbox2: legally approved) brings clarity.

Checkbox Value Handling

Picturepark Setup Example

Layer: Corporate Information (ID: CorporateInformation)

Field: Legally approved (FieldId: legallyApproved)



Advanced searches

Use in Display Pattern

Returned field value

True / False

Please note Picturepark does not have a NULL state for checkboxes, which would indicate that the checkbox was never updated.
Please consider displaying information based on the checkbox value instead of just showing the value e.g. if true, show "it works".

Checkbox Field Settings


The label of the checkbox, which basically determines whether the checkbox must be switched on or off.

Label: Approved, requires checkbox to be enabled for approval
Label: Not approved, requires checkbox to be disabled for approval



Include in filters

Will always have included in the search and filters set to true per default on creation. You can change this if you don't want to use the checkbox in channel filters.

Include in search

The simple search in the content browser cannot be used to find true or false values. In such a case, we recommend using an advanced search or adding a channel filter.

Boost value



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