Edit Content

Edit Content

You can open fields and values and test the behavior. There is no autosave. To change values you must press the Save button (bottom right). 

Edits (updates) are only applied to the Content Items you see. If you plan to edit 50 items, then filter by a Layer so you only see 20 items and then edit - you will only update the visible, filtered 20 items. Only the items you see (resultset) are updated. 

Search, Filter, Find - the result set.

  1. In Picturepark, you have 476 Content Items (videos, images, brochures, you name it).

  2. You open the channel “Product content.” You see 28 Content Items.

    1. The channel filters all corporate content inside this Picturepark for product content (channel filter).

  3. You search “Apple.” You see 6 Content Items.

    1. Picturepark searches through all searchable values (search index, indexed fields) and shows only apple content.

  4. You filter “Technical Product Sheet.” You see 2 items.

    1. Picturepark searches for the tag, get an ID, and filters all items in this list for this ID (Tagbox Filter).

  5. You press “Share.” You share only 2 items.

    1. Picturepark will only share the technical product sheets of apples in product content (aka your result set). The number next to the action indicates how many items you operate.

    2. If you select one of the two, you will only share the selected ones.

Video how to search, filter, and find your content.

Edit One Content Item (Single Edit)

Open the content item detail view by double-clicking on the Content Item in the Content Browser, or use the action “Edit” either from the toolbar or context menu. The numbers next to Edit show the affected Content Items.

You can also select a single item inside the Batch Editor. In this case, the numbers on the Save button show the items affected by the edit.

Edit Multiple Content Items (Batch Editor)

Users can batch add, edit and remove Layers, Virtual Items, Permissions, and Owners by:

  • clicking on edit all in the toolbar (with nothing selected, with multiple items selected)

  • right-clicking on content and selecting the edit menu item in the context menu

  • clicking on the edit icon in the notifications

You can only edit 100 Layers, 100 Virtual Types, 100 Permission Sets, 100 Owners. Even if more is applied you don't see it. 

Shortcuts are not supported here.

Batch Editor Layout

The Batch Editor has the following layout:

  1. On the top is the search bar. Clicking on the filter icon next to a layer will add the layer filter here and show only the Content Items with the selected Layer in the mini Content Browser. Here it will show a filter icon to reset chosen filters. 

  2. A mini content browser on the left allows us to sort Content Items or change the display to larger thumbnails. Selecting Content Items will further refine your selection.

  3. On the right is the edit mask, where you update layer and layer field values, change virtual item content, modify permissions, or transfer ownership. Everything here applies to the content items on the left.

The save button at the bottom will always show you how many items are affected.

Edit Behavior

You only edit what you see. All operations in Picturepark are executed on your result set - the subset of items you see after you filtered down your selection. If you haven't filtered or searched anything the actions (if available) will be executed on all items. 

When you edit a layer field value, only the content items which have that Layer applied will be updated. Assuming you select ten items, and only 5 of them have the general information layer. You update the creator's information. Only the five items with the Layer already added receive the creator information. If you want to apply Layer and value to all ten items you have to choose the "Apply to all"-layer mode (see below).

The icons triggering different behavior are shown next to the Layer, permission set, or owner:




Hide Item with Schema

Remove all items from my edit collection which have the value in front of this icon (Layer, Tag) assigned. The filter is added to the search box where it can be removed. The search box filter shows the entity icon you selected. 

Show Item with Schema

Show all items from my edit collection which have the value in front of this icon (Layer, Tag) assigned. The Layer is added as Filter to the search box where it can be removed. The search box filter shows the entity icon you selected. 


Undo my edits


Remove the selected value in front of this icon from content items in my edit collection.


Clear all filters in the search bar. 


Clear individual filter value e.g. clear filter for tag value.

Save items

The number of content items affected in this operation.

Apply to all

Apply permission sets to all items in my selection. 

Visual guidance in the Batch Editor

  • Black titles show that information is unchanged.

  • Green titles show you that you are only adding new information to content. You can select the "Do not show confirmation message" for green information messages. If you do so, Picturepark sets a cookie for your current browser, and these messages disappear while that cookie is active.

  • Orange titles show you that you are overwriting information on contents. These confirmation messages are always displayed.

  • Orange strikethrough titles show you that you are deleting information from content items. These confirmation messages are always displayed.

Field Specialties

  • Batch Editing only for indexed fields ("included in filters"). Editing of non-indexed fields only in single edit mode and the batch editor will display a note letting you know that "This field is not indexed. Please use single edit"

  • Editing Relationship fields, Fieldsets, and Geo points only in single edit mode of the Batch Editor.

  • You will not see fields with calculated values in the batch editor as these cannot be edited, their value is constructed and only visible in view mode.

  • Tagboxes show the number of tags assigned in this field (e.g. 5 values). You can click the arrow to see the individual values, which again show a number that indicates how often the tag is assigned (landscape means that Landscape is assigned to 5 items).

  • Tagboxes allow adding, overwrite, and remove tags. You can define the behavior for tags using the button next to the tagbox.

    • Add – add your input; existing tags remain unchanged.

    • Overwrite – overwrite with my input; remove existing entries.

    • Remove – remove my input (if available) from this field, leave other entries unchanged, e.g., remove Food.

Batch Editor Solutions

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