Every action in Picturepark is notified in the notification pane at the bottom, a so-called Toast. There you will see how your upload goes, your import, your edit. The toast also has icons for additional actions depending on the process running e.g. a user can cancel an upload or directly edit imported files. The available actions are always related to the process running in Picturepark, so cancellation might not be available if the process is already finished or does not allow cancellation. Another benefit is that you get notified when you receive a Picturepark share from somebody else.
The notification icon displays how many unread notifications you currently have up to a total of 99, a so-called badge. After 99 unread notifications, the number will be displayed as 99+.
After the upload (which means your files are now in Picturepark and you can close your browser) Picturepark will directly import those files and display them in the Content Browser, which requires e.g. the creation of searchable values. It might take a little longer for the import to finish.