

Picturepark knows two types of filters, the sidebar filters (facets) you find in the sidebar of your Content or List Browser (and other areas) and the filter queries that you use in channels and tagboxes to filter for specific Content or List Items.

👉 Sidebar Filters (Filters in the sidebar, aka facets)

👉 Query Filters (Filters for channels or fields)

Create a Filter

You decide which filter you want to create.

For Sidebar Filters

For Tagbox, Relationship Fields or Channel Filters

  1. Open the Field Settings or Channel Settings

  2. Edit the Filter

  3. Add your Query Filter

    1. Use default values in tagboxes

    2. Write from Scratch

    3. Use Intellisense

  4. Save

Filters require values in fields, that must have "Include in filters" configured. However, you cannot add a relationship, fieldset, or geo point fields directly to the Channel or List Filters. You can add the fields used in the underlying relationship or fieldset if it is not one of the non-supported fields.

Update a Filter

Find the filter you want to edit in the settings of the field or schema.

  1. Press edit or the corresponding icon

  2. Update

  3. Save

If you change a Filter the display in the Content Browser adapts directly, any bookmarks referencing this Filter may break. 

Filters require values in fields, that must have "Include in filters" configured. However, you cannot add a relationship, fieldset, or geo point fields directly to the Channel or List Filters. You can add the fields used in the underlying relationship or fieldset if it is not one of the non-supported fields.

If you change a Query Filter used in a Tagbox, which prevents previously applied tags from being used, the tags will stay assigned on Content Items until those items are edited. They cannot be assigned new. 

Delete a Filter

Find the filter you want to remove in the settings of a field or schema.

  1. Press remove or the corresponding icon

  2. Save

Users who have added a bookmark with an active filter you just removed will still have the items filtered and 1 active filter shown. The saved query string from the URL will still work even if the filter is no longer available in the sidebar.


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FAQ: What is the Difference Between a Filter and a Query Filter?
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