Channel Filter: Show New Items Only (based on EXIF)

Goal: Content Items that have been created in the last month, to only have the newest content produced for tagging and further enrichment. 


  • This channel filter example uses EXIF data (technical (camera) data). 

  • Not all files have EXIF data, so use the technical data which is present with your files. 

Picturepark Setup

  • Layer: Exif 

  • Fields: 

    • DateTimeOriginal, indexed (the date and time the image was generated)

    • DateTimeDigitized, indexed (the date and time the image was stored as digital data)

In order to have the Exif Information available in filters, you must index the fields. Therefore open Layers > Exif and Edit the Exif field. In Search Behavior, you find the two DateTime fields from Exif, where you can check "Enable in filters". 

VIDEO: How To Use Exif In Filters and Query Filters

Channel Filter

Channel Filter
{ "kind": "OrFilter", "filters": [ { "kind": "DateRangeFilter", "field": "exifMetadata.exif.dateTimeOriginal", "range": { "names": {}, "from": "now-30D", "to": "now" } }, { "kind": "DateRangeFilter", "field": "exifMetadata.exif.dateTimeDigitized", "range": { "names": {}, "from": "now-30D", "to": "now" } } ] }

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