Business Rule: Filename Parser
Goal: parse the filename of items on upload and tag the Content Items in Picturepark with the product tag
a layer which can be assigned to the content (“Product information” layer)
list of products and their code (“Products” list)
“rule” to split the filename into product code and “other”
Create a cache for Products. This cache will be used for looking up the correct tag to assign.
Switch to Cache
Create List Item Named Cache
Schema ID: Products
Key fields: Code (the one we will match with the filename information)
Name: ProductListCache
VIDEO: How To Switch To Caches
Regular Expression
Regular expression to split the file name into product code and other values.
Regex: (?<productCode>^[0-9]{2} [0-9]{3} [^-]*)-(?<filename>.*)
Input: 01 747 7715 7754-Set_HighRes_4035.jpg
productCode: 01 747 7715 7754
filename: Set_HighRes_4035.jpg
Online tool to test & validate regular expressions:
Make sure PCRE is selected in the top right corner
Switch between Details and Explain tab
Business Rule Setup
The trigger point (check Triggers in Business Rule Settings):
Should trigger on content upload -> Action Create
We want to modify the Content Item document -> Execution scope Main doc
Goal: Rule should execute for images only and only if the filename matches our regex
Two conditions -> start with an AND condition
Content schema condition -> Image (only do this for images)
Match Regex condition
Field path: imageMetadata.fileName
Regex: (?<productCode>^[0-9]{2} [0-9]{3} [^-]*)-(?<filename>.*)
Store in: parsedFilename
You can find additional information on the fieldpath and the trigger field specialties in the explanation of fields in Picturepark.
Perform lookup of the first part of filename against Products list
Create a new transformation group
Inputs: $parsedFilename$
Store In: product
Take Dictionary Value (key: productCode)
Lookup Cache
Goal: Assign Product information layer with required field Product
Assign Layer Action
LayerId: Product information
Default values:
{ "product": { "_refId": "$product$" } }
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