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The display pattern and filters are written in Liquid Syntax, which is the Shopify templating language. It has objects (the field values), filters (manipulations like uppercase) and tags (if/else operations). Please make yourself familiar when you plan to update the display pattern with specific patterns.

{% if %}
  {{data.layerid.fieldid | filter}}
{% endif %}

In general, Liquid has three different types you can work with:

  • Objects: The value of the field you want to access. Always written in two pairs of curly braces. Access a field from a layer, be aware that objects in Picturepark always start with data: data.layer.text

  • Filters: Change the output e.g. append text, uppercase. Always added with a pipe to the objects inside the curly braces. Append Picturepark to the value: | append " Picturepark". You can add multiple filters to one value, so you can translate, truncate and append in one statement: {{data.layer.text | translate | truncate | append }}

  • Tags: For logic operations e.g. if the field has a value. Always written in a pair of curly braces with a percentage symbol. Check if field exists: {% if data.layer.field %} {% endif %}

Find additional information and examples listed here:

{% if data.layer.field %}
  {{data.layer.field | append " Picturepark"}}
{% endif %} 

The Picturepark display pattern uses Liquid objects for the field values. You can access all information directly. 

  1. Data.Schema.Field ( Data.Schema.Field ) will result in "Value1 (Value2)"

  2. Data.Schema.Field will result in "Value"

As tagboxes store multiple values (tags) you must use a liquid tag, the for loop:
{% for item in Data.SchemaIAm.FieldAffectedFromSchemaIAm %} {{ item.FieldnameFromReferencedSchema.Language}} {% endfor%}

Display Pattern Liquid Filters

Liquid Filters are supported but the C# naming convention must be respected. Find here an extensive list of possible filters, some of which may not work in Picturepark. 

(lightbulb) Look here for more filters:

{{data.schema.Textfield | truncate: 5, '' }}

  • truncates down to 5 characters

{{data.schema.Textfield | truncate: 5, '...' }}

  • truncates down to 5 characters and append three dots

{{data.schema.Textfield | upcase }}

  • converts the values to uppercase

{{data.schema.Textfield | append: ' VIT' }}

  • appends VIT to the values

{{data.fileMetadata.fileName | replace: data.imageMetadata.fileExtension , "" }}

  • replaces the file extionsion in the original file name with nothing aka removes the file extension

{{data.schema.Textfield | capitalize }}

  •  capitalizes every word

{{data.schema.Textfield | downcase }}

  •  converts the values to lowercase

{{data.schema.Textfield | prepend: 'Picturepark' }}

  •  prepends Picturepark to the value in the field

If you find a specific filter you want to use but which is not working please contact

Additional Picturepark Liquid Filters

{{data.fieldpath2textfield | translate }}

  • Displays the correct translated value of the field if available even without display pattern translations.

{{data.fieldpath2tagboxfield | tagbox_name }}

  • Use the name pattern of the linked lists for display

{{data.fieldpath2tagboxfield | tagbox_list }}

  • Use the list pattern of the linked lists for display

{{data.fieldpath2datefield | local_date}}

  • Displays the date value in your computer's regional setting time zone. 

Date Format Syntax

You can format the date to different formats, the syntax is like strf.

  • %m > month as 01..12

  • %b > month as Jan…Dec

  • %Y > year with century as 2021

  • %y > year without century as 21

{{data.xmpMetadata.xmp.createDate | date: "%Y-%m"}}
Output: 2021-06
{{data.xmpMetadata.xmp.createDate | date: "%Y"}}
Output: 2021
{{data.xmpMetadata.xmp.createDate | date: "%m, %Y"}}
Output: 06, 2021

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