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Behavior | Tree view fields can be enabled for an instance in the License tab in the cloud manager. Please contact support to do this for you. It's a view only field. The administrator who creates the field defines the filter. You cannot edit the field in single or batch edit mode. The field can be added to Layer, List and Virtual Schemas. The field must reference a single or multitagbox field. You cannot select tree view fields in advanced filter editors or add them as sorting fields. Tree view fields will not show up in the List Item Browser. To see tree view fields in the UI you must add them to a Channel or List Filter.
Limitation | Tree View Fields are not editable - neither in Single nor in Batch Editor! The field is therefore also not available in filters or search. The content shown in the field depends on the field filter configuration. There is a limit of a 300 child nodes on each tree item (hardcoded). If a child node is selected (but does not appear in the first page, only after “load more”), the count on mouse over is not shown.
Examples | We don't have a way to export this macro. |
Display & Handling | |
Liquid Syntax | Everything from the liquid syntax is supported in this filter including loops, variables etc. |
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