Assign Layer Action

Assign Layer Action

The AssignLayerAction assigns a specific layer to content if the condition is met. This requires the layer to be available to the specific content type (Available For in Layers). 

Specific Definitions

Type-ahead and select the Layer from the dropdown. The Layer ID is used in the Business Rule, so you can update the name anytime.  






The ID of the Layer to check. 

See Access Layer for details, but except in the JSON, you don't have to worry about casing. 

default values

The values for required fields must be provided because Layers cannot be assigned with empty required fields. 

{ "title": { "en": "english value", "de": "german value" } }
[ { "lat": 13, "lon": 37 }, { "lat": 13, "lon": 37 }, { "lat": 13, "lon": 37 } ]

Assign Layer and two Default Values

"actions": [ { "kind": "AssignLayerAction", "layerId": "BasicInformation", "defaultValues": [ { "title": { "en": "$myvariable$", "de": "$myvariable$" } }, { "description": { "en": "$myothervariable$", "de": "$myothervariable$" } } ] } ],

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