4.4 Editing options

4.4 Editing options

After uploading a file, the following window pops up. You could now either press on “Add metadata Layers” to edit the uploaded files directly or you could edit this content later. To find the most recent uploaded content on top of the content browser, you could change the sort order to creation date descending.

Single edit

To edit single content items, you can open the detail view by double-clicking on a content item in the content browser or by right-clicking and selecting “Details”. You could also select a content item and then press the edit-button on top of the content browser.

As soon as you open the detail view of an asset, you can click on edit in the top right to switch to the edit mode. If you pressed on “Edit” and not on “Details” to open this view, the opened content item is already in the edit mode

  1. Save
    Save your changes.

  2. Cancel
    Cancel and discard your changes.

  3. Add metadata layer
    Add new layers to this content item. Layers are schemas that inherit fields.

  4. Layers
    These sections are called layers. You can expand and diminish the layers by clicking on the respective name (e.g. “Basic Information”).

  5. Fields
    The fields of the layers save metadata values and can be edited in this view. There are multiple types of fields, for example tagboxes, date or number fields. If the field is a tagbox field, you can tag the list items of the connected list here.

Batch editor

To edit multiple content items, you can select multiple content items in the content browser and press on edit when right-clicking. If there are no content items selected, you can edit all displayed content items by clicking on the 3 dots on top of the content browser and selecting “Edit()”. How many content items you would edit is display in the brackets.

When opening the batch editor and none of the content items displayed on the left is selected, you are editing all content items at once. As soon as you select one of them, you only edit this one. What all the options are is displayed and explained in the screenshot below.

  1. Add metadata layer

  2. Layers

  3. Fields

  4. Remove layer

  5. Hide content with layer

  6. Filter for content with layer

  7. Save

  8. Cancel


When you double-click on a tagbox field, you have the following options. If this would be a text field, you could simply enter your text in the field.

  1. Add list items
    In this example, the field “Keywords” is a tagbox field and therefore linked with a list. If you click in the text area field, you can search for values and add them by clicking on them.

  2. Remove list item
    By clicking this icon, you remove this specific value, that has been added.

  3. Batch action modes
    There are the 3 following modes with different usage purposes.

    1. Add: Adds new list items. The existing values remain unchanged

    2. Overwrite: Overwrites values with the new input. The existing values are removed.

    3. Remove: Removes specific input.

  4. Undo edit

  5. Undo edit

Visual guidance in the Batch Editor

  • Black titles show that information is unchanged.

  • Green titles show you that you are only adding new information to content. You can select the "Do not show confirmation message" for green information messages. If you do so, Picturepark sets a cookie for your current browser, and these messages disappear while that cookie is active.

  • Orange titles show you that you are overwriting information on contents. These confirmation messages are always displayed.

  • Orange strikethrough titles show you that you are deleting information from content items. These confirmation messages are always displayed.

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