6.5 Statistics
Rocco Blass (Unlicensed)
View Content Statistics
You can double-click a Content Item and see its statistics in the tab navigation. The actions shown here are only from Picturepark, not other API clients.
The available statistics on Content Items are:
Downloads Total (includes open the detail view)
Downloads from a Share (includes open the detail view)
Downloads from an Embed
Addition of items to a Share
Addition of items to an Embed
Export Content Statistics
In the Content Browser, you find the statistics export icon which will open the export dialogue where you can select which statistics to export.
Options are provided so you can:
Select the time span for the exported statistics e.g. from April 1st until April 30th.
Separate statistical actions by API clients to compare where the content was used, such as via Picturepark directly, portal or microsite, via the Migration Tool (when migrating from another instance), or another integrated system such as your Web CMS.
Modify the granularity of your statistics, aggregated to hourly or up to daily slices.
The available statistics on Content Items are:
Downloads Total (includes open the detail view)
Downloads from a Share (includes open the detail view)
Downloads from an Embed
Addition of items to a Share
Addition of items to an Embed
Note that user actions on content in Picturepark become tracked from Picturepark Titlis release (previous usage data is not available for export).
After exporting statistics, you can export metadata like file extension, keywords, authors, or other relevant metadata from the very same content items. By matching the statistics with metadata you can then analyze content engagement and gain real insights into e.g. top performing formats, most shared topics, most downloaded copyrights, and many more. See content engagement analytics details in Release Notes.
User Actions
The following actions are tracked but not yet available to customers in the current version of Picturepark. Please contact support@picturepark.com with your detailed request for additional statistics.
Login (succeeded), provides consent history to then-current usage terms (GDPR). Does not track failed as this is an identity server only.
On session renewal
Authorization state
New registration, deleted users (including GDPR consent to T&C when registering/1st login) (provides consent history to then-current usage terms (GDPR))
Lock / unlock user (basically need to track user status changes e.g. inactive, locked, in review, etc. for GDPR compliance)
Edit user data (document change history, who changed what in comparison to the previous version of the document available)