Search: Find Items with specific values in text fields

Search: Find Items with specific values in text fields

Will find all Items with multiple specific values in text fields.

corporateInformation.note.simple:(lorem OR ipsum OR tmp)
  • corporateInformation.note is the fieldpath > layer CorporateInformation, field note

  • The fieldpath extension simple tells Picturepark to look for the value from the simple analyzer, usually the default for non-translated text. 

  • The simple analyzer does not know about plurals or word stems.

  • The fieldpath extension language (fieldpath.language:xxx) tells Picturepark to look for the value from the language analyzer, usually used for translated text fields.

  • Check in the text field settings which analyzers are used. By default for non-translated text, it is the simple analyzer.

fieldpath.analyzer:(term OR term)


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