Excel Roundtripping App

Excel Roundtripping App

The Excel Roundtripping App is developed by Picturepark and saves you time when updating content or metadata. You can export data such as Content Items, content metadata, and List Items on a massive scale, editing the data within Excel or other spreadsheet tools and then re-importing it for the update of existing data in the Content Platform.

The app is also helpful when importing data from other sources such as from other DAM, PIM, or MDM systems. It also provides data exports for the purpose of data reviews and analytics. Editors can use facets and simple search to filter items to export and choose fields which will be exported. Each field represents a column in Excel. On import, the application will automatically map the columns of the Excel file to the fields in the list if the name in the Excel equals the field id. Alternatively, editors can select which data fields to map and if to update them at all.

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