Text Overview
Icon | |
Text | Video on how a text field without translations behaves |
Text Area | Video on how a textarea with translations behaves |
Text with Translations | Video on how a text field without translations behaves |
Text with Markdown | Text fields in Picturepark have an additional option to render Markdown. Using Markdown in text fields allows for basic formattings like the use of headlines, bold, italic for descriptions, press kit content, or product details, to highlight specific areas or structure longer texts. Picturepark shows an editor with a side-by-side view for formatted and unformatted text. Picturepark uses the following component for rendering: https://markdown-it.github.io which offers an online demo. Please ensure that all plugins (checkboxes at the top) are disabled in this demo, as Picturepark does not support any plugins for now. Some basic examples of Markdown syntax are: |
Considerations | Text fields allow limited control for user input. Whenever you work with text fields you may have typos or dummy text. The only control present for text fields is the definition of a regular expression for text input. Text input is always unstructured content. |
Filter and Analyzer | You can add a filter for text to the Content Browser. Be aware that you might end up with a lot of filter values as text entries can differ a lot, also they may speak about the same topic. Consider to Tagbox fields to avoid three different filters for the same topic:
Text input is analyzed in Picturepark. Analyzers are explained in the Search Analyzer Section. Analyzed means Picturepark extracts individual relevant terms, whereas relevant depends on the Analyzer.
Usage as sort fields | You can use translated text as a sort field for a Channel. You can configure a) the field itself or b) the specific language of the field. a) For the field itself, changing the UI language will trigger the sorting to work against the corresponding translation value. b) For the specific language, the sorting will also happen only on the configured language. This enables you to sort on metadata languages other than English and German if the values are translated. |
Examples | Use the Text field for:
Text Value Handling
Picturepark Setup Example | Layer: Corporate Information (ID: CorporateInformation) |
Fieldpath | Path: corporateInformation.title.en |
Advanced search for field |
Use in Display Pattern |
Returned field value | The Liquid filter | translate returns the value that matches the default language. To get specific language values you must provide the correct language abbreviation: .de / .en |
Text Field Settings
Name | Add the name in singular or plural depending on the use case. Avoid adding the required language in the label (Title English, Titel Deutsch) as Picturepark shows the language in front of the field. |
ID | |
Multiline | It defines that the field value must be displayed in a multiline component. |
Rendering | The option to render the text values as Markdown, including side-by-side Markdown editor. Picturepark offers:
Markdown will only be rendered in the Content Item Detail View, not in Display Pattern or list views. |
Translations | If a field is a translated string or not can not be changed anymore once created. Make sure you use translated strings where needed (or might be needed). Keep in mind that translated fields are "expensive" for indexing |
Required | |
Sortable | |
Minimum characters | The minimum amount of characters a user must provide. This may be useful to avoid entries like "tbc" or "temp". |
Maximum characters | The maximum amount of characters a user can provide. This is useful to avoid breaking layouts due to very long text. This is also useful for text entries that will be used for Social Media which only allow a certain amount of characters e.g. Twitter only allows 280. |
Regular expression | Only for input validation means you can force the user to insert a valid email address, but you cannot append something after input - this can be achieved with a calculated value. (\\([0-9]{3}))?[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}$ |
Calculated value | You will not be able to enter text in this field if switched on. The value pattern will be displayed in view mode. Once the calculated value setting is switched on you cannot just switch it off to remove the calculated values.
Value pattern | Monaco Editor which allows defining the calculated value pattern in Liquid Syntax.
Include in filters | |
Include in search | |
Boost value | |
Search Analyzers used for creating values from the input for Filters in the sidebar. Check Analzyers for details. | |
Simple search analyzer | Search Analyzers used for creating values from the input for the Simple Search. Check Analyzers for details. |