Display Pattern: SEO Friendly Title

Display Pattern: SEO Friendly Title



A slug is an SEO friendly title you use for images, videos, or complete press kits when sharing them on social media. Picturepark can create the slug for you using any value from any field, replacing spaces with dashes, and even pretending the correct domain.Ā 

{{data.corporateLayer.title.en | replace: " ", "-" | prepend: "picturepark.com/" }} {{data.corporateLayer.title.en | replace: " ", "-" | prepend: data.corporateLayer.domain }}

Setup in Picturepark

  • Layer: Corporate Layer

  • Fields

    • Title to use as a base for the slug

    • Domain field

Use Case

Use any values from a text field (accessed via fieldpath) and replace spaces with dashes. Then prepend a fixed value for domain or get the value from another field.Ā 

Display Pattern

{{data.corporateLayer.title.en | replace: " ", "-" | prepend: "picturepark.com/" }} {{data.corporateLayer.title.en | replace: " ", "-" | prepend: data.corporateLayer.domain }}

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https://picturepark.com - support@picturepark.com
Ā© 2023 FotoWare Switzerland AG