Find Content

Find Content

When you want to find content in Picturepark you can try one or all of the following.

The channel dropdown, search & suggestions, and the sidebar filters.
  1. Open a channel (a filtered set of items, the channels query filter).

    1. The channel has a name and a filter, e.g. show only items with Layer A assigned. This channel filter is independent of the filters in the channels' sidebar.

  2. Search and try suggestions (searching indexed metadata).

    1. The search looks through all values from fields that are searchable (field setting “use in the search”). The values are added, updated, or removed from the index when metadata changes are saved.

    2. When you change field settings you must reindex all values for accurate search results. However, you should not reindex during business hours.

  3. Filter in the sidebar (sidebar filters).

    1. These filters are often called facets. Facets are well known to users and available in various applications like Zalando, Digitec, Amazon.

Afterward, you get your desired Content Items (result set). Users, Editors, and Admins can execute actions on the filtered group of items.

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