Trigger Overview
Icon |
Behavior | |
Usage | Instead of working with checkboxes, the trigger field can execute a business rule and carries information about the user who triggered and the time and date of the triggering. |
Button text | EN: [Field Name EN] |
Examples |
Trigger Value Handling
Picturepark Setup Example | Layer: Auto-tagging (ID: AutoTagging) |
Fieldpath | autoTagging.assignMatches.triggeredOn |
Advanced search for field / field value | _exists_:autoTagging.assignMatches.triggeredOn
Filter by labelThere are no items with the selected labels at this time. |
Use in Display Pattern |
Use in the business rule as path & field id | Path: Field: |
Returned field value | .triggeredOn returns date time, which must be formatted |
Trigger Field Settings
Nothing specific about the Trigger field settings.
Name | The label of the Trigger field should clearly indicate what the user triggers. The trigger button will also have this name. Trigger Field Name as Button Text |
ID | |
Include in filters | |
Include in search | |
Boost value |
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