List Setup
Olivia Schütt (Unlicensed)
Add Default Values for Tagbox on a List
For tagboxes on the list items, you can define default values that will be added to newly created list items in this tagbox.
Add field type “tagbox”
Create a new tag in the tagbox
The default values are automatically applied.
Use List Items to Tag your Content
Now the tricky part begins. To use the tags on the content you must have a tagbox that shows the List Items as tags.
Picturepark setup:
A Layer with a Tagbox linked to a List.
You can tag your content in edit mode:
Edit one or multiple content items (single or batch-edit work)
Choose your tagbox field
On focus, the field will show suggestions
Suggestions use the Display Pattern List.
Suggestions consider the Tagbox filter (the list may have more items than are available here)
Start typing to have suggestions adapt to your input (or scroll through)
Either select the suggested value or create new (requires permission)
Create new will open a new window that allows adding List Items to the connected List while editing your content. The default values of the Tagbox are automatically prefilled.
Attention: the Tagbox filter may prevent you from using your new tag directly.
Assigned values will stay assigned, even if filters or fields change.
Tagging in Picturepark vs. Tagging in Twitter
The differences to other tagging options you might know are:
You can define additional attributes per tag e.g. tag "Product Content Platform" can have attributes: name, description, editions, markets, customers, references and price.
You can have permissions for accessing lists to restrict access to product codes for design agency users.
You can have permissions for adding or using list items (aka tags) - so you can restrict the addition of new products by a reseller user.
You can have multiple lists, with different key terms and attributes, for better control and organization.
You can reference Lists in Lists e.g. List Item "Ramon Forster" is referenced in List Item "Picturepark" in the attribute "CEO" and the List Item "Picturepark" is referenced in "Ramon Forster" (cyclic dependencies).
The art of organizing lists and prepare proper classifications is information architecture, which comes up with great taxonomies and classifications.
Short quiz
Would you order Harry Potter books by Author, Title, or Language?
Popular fiction should be ordered by the author, which allows finding other interesting books from the series.
Now think about History books ordered by the author. What would you think when finding Ancient Greece and World War 2 next to each other, just because it was written by the same author. You see in this case the main order or classification should be Country and History time span - and there we have two lists. Great that we can build multiple lists easily in Picturepark.
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