Role Permissions (User Rights)
These rights are granted to users (user rights) by assigning users to the role. User rights are sorted alphabetically.
Permission | What does this mean? | Notes |
Create and configure identity providers | Required to set up and configure identity providers for authentication via ADFS or Azure AD. | Additional information about configuring ADFS authentication or Azure AD authentication. Users must have the “IsDeveloper” flag to configure identity providers. |
Create external business processes | There are API endpoints to get, create, update an external business process. Only API users with this right are allowed to access this endpoint. | A code example can be found here: |
Edit images | See and use the media editor to crop, rotate, or manipulate images. | Requires edit content permissions of the Content Item. |
Export statistics | See and use the export statistics button in the Content Browser. | Requires a minimum of read metadata of the one Content Item. |
List users | See user suggestions in the sharing and commenting dialogue.
| This does not allow the users to see the user management in Access > Users. |
Manage all comments | See and edit all comments. | Users with Manage all comments user right can view and edit/delete any comments (similar to Manage all shares), but only on content where they have View content right. |
Manage all sharings | Required if you would like a user to be able to manage and update all sharings and embeds in a system | A user will not see more than basic details and a grey thumbnail for any content items they not have at least content view permissions on in a sharing or embed. |
Manage channels | Create, update, and delete channels | The root channel cannot be deleted. |
Manage comments | See and edit my own comments. | To be able to view (all comments on a content) and add/edit/delete their own comments user has to have (i) View content right and (ii) Manage Comments user right. |
Manage content | Create, update, and delete content |
Manage conversion preset templates | See and create conversion preset templates in the settings. | To create presets on a Content Item you need edit content permissions for the Content Item. |
Manage document history | Required for the API. There are endpoints to get the document history. Only API users with this right are allowed to access this endpoint. | For example, the tagging service (which uses the API) uses the document history to compare two versions of a content document, to find out which field value has changed. |
Manage embeds | Allows users to create embeds |
Manage file ingest | Required to upload, transfer, and replace files. |
Manage list items |
Manage live stream | Required for the API. There are endpoints to get the live stream history. Only API users with this right are allowed to access this endpoint. |
Manage metadata schemas | Allows you to create schemas of the type lists, layers, virtual types fieldsets, and relations. |
Manage output formats | Required to set up dynamic output formats via API. |
Manage permissions | Create, update, delete permission sets | Please note that on existing permission sets the user also needs manage permission set on the permission set itself. |
Manage search indexes | Allows you to reindex both RootcontentSearchIndex and RootListItemSearchIndex | A user with the user role permission Manage metadata schemas may require this permission too since some changes made to schemas require a reindex. |
Manage service providers | This does not give you any access to any functions in the UI but is used for access to service providers (for example, autotagging and connectors) that are configured for a Content Platform. |
Manage sharings | Can send sharings, see the sharing menu item, and access their own sharings. | To give a user role access to all sharings in the system give the manage all sharings user role permission. |
Manage templates | Create custom mail templates, edit existing system mail templates. |
Manage terms of service | This will allow the user to create new terms of service that all users will need to accept when signing up for a Content Platform account or after login on creation of new terms of service. |
Manage transfer | See the transfer area and upload to here. | Access to the Transfers menu item. If a user does not also have the Manage content user role permission then the user will be able to upload files to Content Platform but they will only be visible in the transfers area. |
Manage user roles | Create, update, delete user roles |
Manage users | See the Users menu item and create/edit/delete users | This user role permission is required for users to be able to transfer ownership of their content to other users with this user role permission. This is only a restriction in the UI. It is not a restriction enforced by the API. |
Manage XMP mappings | Required to map XMP values from files to Content Platform fields. | |
Read statistics | Used from Content Platform version 11 and onwards. | This permission will later be extended to view statistics of one Content Item in Content Platform and requires a minimum of read metadata of the one Content Item. |
Write statistics | Required to write statistics via API e.g. from external | Requires write metadata permission. |
There are no user role permissions for the API Clients menu items. You can see the menu item but get a 404 error page unless your user has the isdeveloper flag set in the Cloud manager. Please contact Picturepark Customer Support Resources if you require access here.
System information will always be displayed.
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