Transformation Groups

Transformation Groups

The Transformation Group allows to group multiple transformations and output one value which can be used in the following transformation group or business rule action. The Transformation Group enables you to loop through large amounts of tags, based on the same condition and triggers, e.g. check if the tag is X - will check the first tag, check the 2nd tag […] check the 365th tag.

Specific Definitions






The values which should be transformed, as the value of a field or all the values of the Content Item's metadata. 

An implicitly defined variable can be used in transformations or actions to copy/extract/transform values and store them in another field. The implicitly defined variables are:

$$content$$ to access the content schema data of a metadata item, means the virtual item content or e.g. Exif, IPTC, DublinCore information for files. 

$$metadata$$ access to the layer schema data of a Content Item, so all metadata which is added as Layers. 

$$audit$$ to access audit information like created by user (including user details name, first name, email), modified by user (including user details name, first name, email), modification date, creation date or owner information.

Furthermore, admins can define custom variables e.g. $myVariable$ where the RegexCondition stored something. 

When setting a variable the prefix $ must not be used. Only for accessing it like here in input. 


An array of transformations to transform the input value. 


Define an optional variable where the regex output should be stored, to use in the following transformations and actions. 

Provide any name you like, avoid numbers at the beginning. 

You can leave this field empty. If you don't define it the output value will just be passed to the next transformation. 

Transformation Group to get Dictionary Value and Join By

{ "kind": "TransformationGroup", "inputs": [ "$$metadata$$" ], "transformations": [ { "kind": "TakeDictionaryValueTransformation" }, { "kind": "JoinByTransformation" } ], "storeIn": "test" }

Transformation Group to construct firstName lastName Email (from the modifying user from audit information)

  1. Get user details from audit information

    1. Get first name

    2. Get last name

    3. Get email

  2. Join all values from (1) into one variable: firstName lastName Email

"transformationGroups": [ { "inputs": [ "$$audit$$" ], "transformations": [ { "kind": "TakeDictionaryValueTransformation", "key": "createdByUser", "traceRefId": null }, { "kind": "TakeDictionaryValueTransformation", "key": "firstName", "traceRefId": null } ], "storeIn": "productManagerFirstName", "traceRefId": null }, { "inputs": [ "$$audit$$" ], "transformations": [ { "kind": "TakeDictionaryValueTransformation", "key": "createdByUser", "traceRefId": null }, { "kind": "TakeDictionaryValueTransformation", "key": "lastName", "traceRefId": null } ], "storeIn": "productManagerLastName", "traceRefId": null }, { "inputs": [ "$$audit$$" ], "transformations": [ { "kind": "TakeDictionaryValueTransformation", "key": "createdByUser", "traceRefId": null }, { "kind": "TakeDictionaryValueTransformation", "key": "emailAddress", "traceRefId": null } ], "storeIn": "productManagerEmail", "traceRefId": null }, { "inputs": [ "$productManagerFirstName$", "$productManagerLastName$", "$productManagerEmail$" ], "transformations": [ { "kind": "JoinByTransformation", "separator": " ", "traceRefId": null } ], "storeIn": "productManagerVariable", "traceRefId": null } ],


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