Filter Query: Term Filter
Filter for Content with the Migration Layer added and the term “Product” as keyword assigned.
"kind": "AndFilter",
"filters": [
"kind": "TermFilter",
"field": "layerSchemaIds",
"term": "MigrationLayer" //Layer ID capitalized
"kind": "NestedFilter",
"path": "migrationLayer.keywords",
"filter": {
"kind": "TermFilter",
"field": "",
"term": "Product"
Basic Filter
Filter for content that have the exact term in a field. Can be used for single tagbox directly. For multi tagbox a nested filter must be used in combination with the term filter.
The term must be an exact match.
"kind": "TermFilter",
"field": "fieldpath",
"term": "Europe"
kind | Required Which filter to use, as string e.g. "TermFilter" |
field | Required The field's name to execute the filter on. It is composed by the field ids of the hierarchy joined with "." (i.e. personLayer.address.region). |
term | Required The value in the field, to be used as term. It must be an exact match, so The term filter on "Europe" does not find "Western Europe", but only "Europe". |
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